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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cuba and Singapore Examine Possibilities for Trade

HAVANA, Cuba, Dec 2 (acn) The possibility of implementing a solid commercial exchange between Cuba and Singapore was demonstrated on Tuesday in this city, at the end of a business forum held between entrepreneurs from the two nations.


Cuban News Agency

On the occasion of the visit to Havana of Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Long, the Cuban Chamber of Commerce organized the meeting at the Cuban capital’s Hotel Nacional, in order to know more about potentialities for mutual exchange.

The president of that institution, Pedro Alvarez, pointed out the possibilities offered by the Caribbean island in terms of products recognized at world level, like rum, tobacco, medicine and biotechnology, besides specialized goods and services and direct investment.

In addition, he explained the behavior of the Cuban economy and how it deals with the difficulties derived from the world crisis and the blockade imposed by the United States for almost five decades now.

He put special emphasis on the reduction of imports, achieved not only by way of national production but also by way of trading with partners offering quality products and competitive prices.

Chong Lit Cheong, executive from International Enterprise Singapore, said that interest is increasing in his country for trading with Latin America and especially with Cuba, with which this type of bond already exists, mainly in the tourist sector.

He highlighted several productive lines that could be of interest for the island, like the production of machinery, the petrochemical industry, operations in the port and the production of computer accessories.

He also expressed his country’s interest in cooperating in the area of scientific research and in tourism, a sector in which it has excellent results, since his nation receives some 10 million visitors every year.


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