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Friday, January 8, 2010

St. Lucia Favors Links with Cuba

The fundamental objective of this visit is to strengthen and increase links between St. Lucia and Cuba, and intensify such a necessary relationship between Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean, said Prime Minister Stephenson King, on his arrival at José Martí International Airport. His visit is in response to an official invitation from President Raúl Castro Ruz.

Prime Minister Stephenson King, on his arrival at José Martí International AirportAfter being received by Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra, the visitor made a brief statement to the press, in which he expressed his gratitude for the support offered to St. Lucia by the Cuban government and people.

"St. Lucia is one of the member countries of CARICOM which, to a large extent, has benefited from Cuba’s goodwill and support through cooperation," he said. "For many years now, we have been considerably aided in terms of education, healthcare, and agriculture," and evidence of that are the 50 cooperative workers currently working in this sister nation. The premier also expressed his will to "continue exploring these opportunities and possibilities for the mutual benefit of the two countries."

He referred to attempts over the years to keep the island isolated and expressed his desire to further strengthen the links with Havana as brothers and sisters of the Caribbean region.

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